Association for Behavior and Knowledge Transformation (ABKT)

Farmers' Exposure Visit

Crowd Funding

Farmers' Exposure

The farmers in Lower Dir are not adopting the improved/hybrid seeds and modern techniques resulting in low yield and low quality production.

For the uplift of the socio- economic status of farming community there is an intense need to update their practices regarding agriculture. Keeping in view this situation ABKT with the support & coordination of LPH-North organized one day exposure visit to Charguly Rustam, District Mardan for the selected tomato growers of Talash Valley to practically observe where the farmers are practicing/growing tomato hybrid varieties on vertical/structure farming. In lower districts due to the adoption of this technology the farmers not only increased their crop yield from a small portion of land but also improved the quality & size of the crop. Now it is hoped that after this exposure visit and practically observing, experience sharing and mutual discussion with those progressive farmers the selected tomato growers of Talash Valley will be able to shun the traditional methods of tomato cultivation/ farming in open fields and will divert it to vertical/structure farming methods to increase & improve their crop production and hence will contribute to uplift their livelihoods standards.